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Fill in The Blanks
""" Fill in The Blanks Quiz. Asks the user for difficulty level and number of trys, and displays an approprate quiz. The quiz has numbered blanks, asks the user for their answers for each until the quiz is complete or they make the maximum number of mistakes. Example: Run the following to test a compiled version provided by Udacity:: $ python tests/fill-in-the-blanks.pyc """ #TODO: Move global variables to __main__ quizes = {'easy': """The capital city of the United States of America is ___1___. The current president of the USA is ___2___. ___2___ is best known for being the first ___3___-American president of the USA. He has also received the Nobel ___4___ Prize.""", 'medium': """The Theory of General ___1___ was proposed by ___2___ Einstein in 1915. It provides a unified description of ___3___ as a property of ___4___ and ___5___, also known as ___6___, and is the current definition of ___3___ in modern physics.""", 'hard': """Spirited ___1___ is the ___2___ Award winning film by ___3___ Miyazaki and Studio ___4___. It won Best ___5___ ___6___ Film, and also won the Golden ___7___ at the 2002 ___8___ International Film Festival (among many others). It was adapted by ___9___ for the English speaking audience."""} answers = {'easy': [['Washington, D.C.', 'Washington, DC', 'Washington DC'], ['Barack Obama', 'Obama'], ['African'], ['Peace']], 'medium': [['Relativity'], ['Albert'], ['gravity', 'gravitation'], ['space'], ['time'], ['spacetime', 'space time']], 'hard': [['Away'], ['Academy', 'Oscar'], ['Hayao'], ['Ghibli'], ['Animated'], ['Feature'], ['Bear'], ['Berlin'], ['Walt Disney Pictures', 'Disney']]} alive = True chances, difficulty = 1, 'easy' def setdifficulty(): """ Sets the quiz ``difficulty`` level. """ global difficulty print "What difficulty would you like?" difficulty= raw_input("Enter easy, medium, or hard: ") while difficulty not in quizes: difficulty = raw_input("Please enter one of the options [easy, medium, hard]: ") print "This quiz will be " + difficulty + " difficulty." print "" def setchances(): """ Sets the number of ``chances`` the player gets per question. """ global chances chances = raw_input("How many chances would you like per question: ") while not chances.isdigit() or int(chances) < 1: chances = raw_input("Please enter a number that is greater than 0: ") chances = int(chances) print "" def checkanswer(possible, guess): """ Case insensitive check of answer. Assume inputs are in the correct format, since takeQuiz() accounts for Args: possible (list): List of possible answers for question. guess (string): User's guess for question. Returns: bool: True if guess is in possible, False otherwise. """ for answer in possible: if guess.lower() == answer.lower(): return True return False def answerquestion(index, quiz): """ Gets the player's input for blank number ``index``. Sets the global variable ``alive`` to False if the player has used all their chances. Returns: string: Quiz updated with player's answer. """ global alive chance = chances answer = answers[difficulty][index] while chance > 0: guess = raw_input("What goes in ___%s___: " % str(index+1)) if checkanswer(answer, guess): print "Correct! \n" print '-' * 20 quiz = quiz.replace('___%s___' % str(index+1), guess) print quiz print '-' * 20 + '\n' break elif chance > 1: print "That is incorrect. Try again." chance += -1 print chance, "chance(s) left. \n" else: alive = False break return quiz def takequiz(): """ Shows the quiz and asks the user for answers. Returns: bool: True if the user completes the quiz, ``False`` if they use too many guesses. """ global alive alive = True print '\n' + "* " * 10 print "Welcome to the quiz.\n" setdifficulty() quiz = quizes[difficulty] setchances() print "Let's get started:" print "=" * 20 print quiz print "=" * 20 + '\n' for index in xrange(len(answers[difficulty])): quiz = answerquestion(index, quiz) if not alive: break if alive: print "Great job completing the %s quiz!\n" % difficulty else: print "Too many wrong guesses. Game over.\n" return alive if __name__ == '__main__': ## Test functions assert checkanswer(answers['easy'][0], 'washington dc') == True assert checkanswer(answers['easy'][0], 'washington') == False assert checkanswer(answers['medium'][5], 'space time') == True assert checkanswer(answers['medium'][3], 'time') == False assert checkanswer(answers['hard'][1], 'OSCAR') == True # Main while True: takequiz() if raw_input("Would you like to play again: (yes or no) ") not in ['yes', 'y']: print "Okay, good bye. \n" break